Tag Archives: Daughter

MS: Like Mother like Daughter

Like Mother like Daughter

Like Mother like Daughter

Oh God NO…say it ain’t so!

We’re going to a neurologist today for my daughter to be seen. I thought I was okay, but I’m not. My stomach is upset and I’m on the edge of imploding. I’m falling apart just writing this. I’m trying so hard not to.  I know if I do, I won’t be able to stop…ever. I’ll be in pieces (or puddles) when she needs me NOT to be.

Because of an episode of what could have been optic neuritis, she needs an MRI and blood work. I allow myself to hit a “low”. It’s okay for me to do this, I deserve it. I just need to be careful not to let anyone in my family see me there. I really hate what this disease is doing to my family and I hate that I brought it here. If I didn’t have this disease we wouldn’t have even considered it. We wouldn’t know what MS was. We would just assume her temporary loss of vision was a migraine, or maybe a concussion that resulted from a soccer play.

What don't you understand about...NO!

What don’t you understand about…NO!

What do I do?  The only thing I can. When MS is the hammer, everything is a nail.The Nail That Sticks Out the Most

Okay, I cannot stay here! It’s time to change the recorded message in my head, before it becomes permanent. If I’m gonna talk the talk, it’s time to walk the walk. I’ve advised young couples dealing with MS who are concerned about genetics that:

1. More than 80% of people with MS DO NOT have a first degree relative (parent or sibling).

2. Scientists now believe that a person is susceptible to multiple sclerosis only if they inherit an unlucky combination of numerous genes.

3. Risk for MS is also affected in part by a person’s ethnic background and other factors such as something environmental or a virus. A “perfect storm” has to occur for a person to develop MS. Several of the believed causes must intersect in a person. It is not known what those combinations might be. As a matter of fact, it is known to be not just one specific combination.

4.If caught early, and the young person has access to one of the disease modifying drugs, the nervous system might possibly be preserved until a cure is discovered. I believe that is right around the corner.

To make a long post, short, Dad and I took her back for the MRI review. We had to wait almost an hour for our Neurologist to show up, I was a nervous wreck. She walks into the exam room and my only thought is, “Oh God NO…say it ain’t so!” Then the Doctor says to our daughter…” You have a beautiful brain”.  I burst into tears 🙂

Thank you God!

Thank you God!

Thoughts and Comments: Does anyone in your family have MS?

Are you a parent? Do you worry that your children will also have MS?

Do you NOT have children because you worry about them having MS?


National MS Society on Genetics

National MS Society on Disease Modifying Medications (PDF)

Mayo Clinic on Optic Neuritis



Filed under MS and Family, MS and Genetics