MS: I’m so over it!

I’ve often returned to blogs to find that there are no new posts for long stretches of time and I find myself wondering… what happened? Where are they?


I don’t want to sound too final but, that’s kinda why I’m signing off, and explaining. Yes sir re… I’m over it. For two years I’ve used my blog to keep my cognitive skills sharp (ironic, since it’s my MS that causes me to have cognitive issues in the first place). I know as much as I need to know about this disease, probably too much, and I’m walking away.

I’ve always found it healthier to keep my distance…stay away. I realized and accepted many years ago that it is going to do whatever, whenever it wants. I have been blessed with Relapsing Remitting MS. I have been very aggressive about the disease modifying drugs, diet and lifestyle choices. Each of these I believe are the reasons for my good fortune. I have slowly recovered (and sometimes quickly) from each of my relapses without the use of steroids. Please… don’t get me wrong, sacrifices were made. If I had continued to work, this would not have been the case, not even close. It would have been necessary with many of my relapses to use the steroids to recover more quickly. By not working, my lifestyle changed. My body gets what it needs; time to recover, rest, and reduced stress.

The sacrifices are more my husband’s than mine. As the person with the illness, I expect to suffer. I cannot walk away. It follows me. He has a choice, always.

Here is where I want to tell him:

“Thank you”

Spoken Word Video

Title of poem: “A river for Kevin”

Venue: Busboys and Poets, Hyattsville, Maryland

The MC for the night, E-Baby Poems was awesome! Did you see him come back to me when he saw that I was nervous XOXOX


My new blogging interest is…marriage. I want to encourage others to “Get married. Stay Married, and Be Happy”. So please, check back from time to time to see how I’m moving along with it.

 Comments: I always look forward to reading them and responding.

 Take care!!


MS…I’m so over it!


Filed under Ilness and The Arts, Long Loving Marriages, Riding Out a Relapse

6 responses to “MS: I’m so over it!

  1. Denise Allen

    Good for you!!!
    I have Lupus and Sickle Cell. I will read up on my specific type but now it is on a need to know basis. I want to read more about the marriage stuff. BTW do you know any single men our age 🙂


  2. Gosh, not sure what exactly I just read (that this blog is disappearing … gasp! … or that it is just going to have a new/different theme), but in any case, I’m happy to have “met” you, and I am equally sad that I won’t have the pleasure of reading your posts in the future. I do understand your decision, however. If “goodbye” it must be, take good care and thanks for sharing this much of your journey with us 🙂


  3. I am also glad we met :))) I really enjoyed reading “your story” and was inspired by how much YOU DO! Good luck with it all and take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Dear:)
    How did I miss knowing about that “double whammy”? I knew about the Lupus, I think. Knowledge is power, right, we just have to filter it.
    I am soo excited about the marriage stuff, but man…it’s a lot! No good news on the single man front, but I’ll keep my eyes open 🙂


  5. pbirm

    Beautiful poem. You and Kevin are very lucky to have each other. Bravo!


  6. Patrick,
    I’m always happy you watched:) and thank you!


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