Tag Archives: Meditation

I want an MRI :/


I see my Neurologist today and I’m actually going to ask for an MRI.Fotosearch_k2478801 I’ve been on Tecfidera for quite awhile now and I’d like a comparison picture, a before and after if you will. I’m sure I had one just before I started the new drug. We’ll see what they say.
It’s time now to make that list, the one of symptoms since my last visit. I always seem to forget at least one while I’m there. Because I try to focus on the positive, “in my mind” I make small of issues when they’ve gone away. I’m learning to not “blow them off”. Who knows, maybe they can tell me something helpful. Like how to avoid that wall even when I see it coming!

What helps me to get through an MRI is definitely MEDITATION. If you haven’t tried it already…you should!

COMMENTS: What helps you get through an MRI?


Filed under MS and Disease Modifying Drugs, MS and Oral Medication, Neurology, Stress Management

MS, this is NOT a good time!

Photo Credit: Will Sterling http://www.sterlingpics.net/artist.php

Photo Credit: Will Sterling

This is a conversation I’m having with my former high school student. She graduated in 1996…that makes her 31 years old now. Geez!!

Bambi: Mrs. Smith!!! I have a question about MS. As you have probably noticed, I’m a hypochondriac. I’ve been having some leg spasms for the last yr, twitching in my jaw and recently, vibrations in my stomach. I googled my symptoms and webMD said it’s possible signs of MS. I FREAKED OUT! Am I overreacting? ( which I tend to do) Can u give me some insight? I’ve already scheduled a full physical…

Mrs. Smith: Slo ya roll, Timon! Wait for Pumba! In other words, stay outta WebMD. Yes I want you to do research, but wait until the real MD.s suggest something. What you’ve been experiencing COULD be neurological in nature, but they could also be spasms due to magnesium and/or potassium deficiency or simply dehydration. Twitching due to stress, you DID just get married MISSY. The point is, EVERYthing that MS causes, could be caused by a million other things. I’m glad you’ve got a physical scheduled. What kind of doctor is it?Take VERY good notes on what’s been happening into your doctors visit. Ask for explanations and let me know how it goes.Meanwhile, your assignment is meditation. Start with 3 minutes a day, increase the minutes. Work your way up to 30 and get back to me.

Bambi: Mediate??? For 3 mins??? Ok, so how do I do that? I can never seem to stop my brain from racing…unless I have a shot… #djm. I’m speaking against it today!! But I always worry about my health. My family has horrible medical history and I’m always freaking out. Theresa and Q. can attest to that.

Mrs. Smith: Hey Honey,  my doctor has me taking vitamin D3. Many ppl are Vit. D. deficient. It’s been discovered that higher levels of D3, lesson attacks in ppl with MS, and has SOME protection for those thought to be at risk for the disease. Lil.E. scared us with a neurological episode (false alarm) but her neurologist still wants her to take a Vit. D supplement daily of 1000 i.u. I take 2000 I.U. daily. Here’s where you come in. Vit. D. is naturally healthy for the nervous system, so why not? 1000 i.u. a day. It’s also good for strong bones, so there’s a double benefit. BUT, don’t over do it. Too much of anything is not good. As far as the meditation goes, I KNOW you Timon, and “wired for sound” is an understatement (LOL) YES Missy, meditate. You’ll be a better wife, mom, daughter, friend, and SELF. I mean it! It’s not hard and it’ll help stop your brain from racing. Although your racing brain was an asset in class. Check out my post on meditation to get started.

“How to Meditate in a Moment”

Learn more about : Vitamin D and MS

ps. Remember the day you and Pumba hid under my desk only to jump out, scare the crap out of me, and break into this routine. I couldn’t teach, for laughing 🙂 Great diversion!


Have you experienced any MS-like symptoms that were actually caused by something else?

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Filed under MS and Marriage, MS and Vitamin D deficiency, Uncategorized

To Not Unravel

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When I began to unravel, I knew I needed help, and more than a girlfriend. I saw Dr, Allison Henry, a clinical psychologist.
In addition to seeing her once a week, she suggested the book, Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. By Jon Kabat-Zinn I found it very helpful.

I began to practice Mindfulness Meditation and it made a huge difference in my life.
I felt like I was better able to handle the stress, and stress triggered my MS. We will never be able to eliminate it from our lives but we can equip ourselves with the most effective coping skills to handle it.

I am sure that it had a positive affect on how I handled the stress of the classroom and my MS.

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